Being brave is beautiful, Petra Velzeboer

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Petra Velzeboer was brought up in a cult, the Children of God. Lacking education but feeling that she was meant to save the world, she used alcohol and drugs to try to cope. Lonely after the birth of her children, she reached rock bottom but realised she had a choice. Petra chose to pursue happiness. […]

True Self Meditation by Katie Phillips

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‘This is a 15 minute meditation to connect you to your true self – also known as your inner guide, your inner light, your Spirit self. Essentially, it is your truth. Being guided and directed by your Spirit allows you to make decisions, develop new ideas and communicate from your authentic self. It simply means, […]

Expert in self-compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff

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The Self-Compassion Pioneer Having compassion for oneself is really no different than having compassion for others, says Dr. Kristin Neff. Yet we turn out not to be very good at the first. Neff, a leading expert on self-compassion, is an associate professor at the University of Texas in Austin. She is a professor, bestselling author […]

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