Hamish Mackay-Lewis

Don’t count the days – count the lessons
Our discomfort points to what we need to attend to in our lives. If we numb it out, we miss out on all that wisdom from one of our greatest teachers – ourselves.

Dedicate this experience to a meaningful cause
Channel your growth towards something greater than just you; something that serves the whole. In this way you will build resilience, resourcefulness and stay motivated. People move less for fear, than for what they truly value and for what, and who, they love.

Keep a routine; but balance this with emergence
Morning routines are especially important. Being disciplined brings familiarity and certainty at a time of loneliness and fear. Find the value and purpose in each activity and if it’s no longer working then change it. Conversely, it is also important, to set aside time to just be.

Accept there will be good times and bad times
Nothing in nature goes in a straight line, and our internal state, you may have noticed, is no different. If you are down today, trust that tomorrow will be different. The less attached you are to how you feel, the more of your internal resistance you will process.

Find something or someone to connect to
Connect with people online. If you have something in your home, which is also alive such as a fire or a plant, then talk to them and show them your gratitude for their presence. Trust me; there is something deeply soothing about breaking the silence around us when we are alone. Self-isolation might not be an easy experience, but in a world that’s increasingly frenetic I believe this is a golden opportunity for us all to meet ourselves exactly where we are.

  • Hamish Mackay-Lewis was in isolation for 28 days in Colorado. You can read about his experiences on his website. He is running a series of coaching calls on Zoom for small groups of people who are looking for connection, resilience and confidence (on a donation basis).

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