Breath: your own ‘life hack’, Max Gomez

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Max Gomez was studying neuroscience at university and realised that he was suffering from some learning challenges (ADHD and dyslexia). He became fascinated in how he could build products to help people to improve their wellbeing. Two years after college, he suffered some huge changes in his life and he suffered a bout of deep, […]

Intervene in an emotional challenge

Struggle & success

Jo Cruickshanks from The Breathery shares a short and dynamic version of a transformational breathing practice for people who are ready to step into their power and show up as more inspired, visionary leaders. “You can use this practice to intervene before things get too much. It doesn’t take a long time to […]

Ayurvedic Sleep Coach, Anandi

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Anandi is an Ayurvedic coach who specialises in sleep and stress. After years of suffering from a lack of sleep that made her ‘want the ground to open up’, she found the importance of breath and routines for good sleep. Anandi’s advice includes respecting the body’s natural Circadian rhythms, avoiding the blue light of screens […]

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