If you are thinking about a big work shift, executive coach Anna Percy-Davis suggests you pause and reflect before undergoing even more change. “Create an internal and external dialogue. Talk to someone in the organisation you like and trust and to people who have made changes similar to what you’d like to do.” […]
Headtalks blog
Don’t leave until you’ve left
Forget FOMO – just BE
Career coach and Head Talks ambassador Anna Percy-Davis has some helpful ideas to ease ourselves out of lockdown and back into a more “normal” life. Take time to enjoy these fresh experiences and don’t try and get back to everything at once. Forget FOMO – just be present. And don’t forget: you don’t […]
How to breathe better with a mask
Many of us are struggling to find ways to breathe calmly and deeply while wearing a mask. Too often we find the breaths getting more and more shallow, which leads to increasing levels of anxiety. Breathwork coach Jamie Clements has worked with people recovering from covid-19, and shows us how to control our […]
Learning to adapt
Rachel Kelly Most of us prefer to follow a more predictable path and don’t like being rattled by unforeseen events. And, unfortunately, life feels especially unpredictable at the moment. The world is going through rapid and unprecedented change. We might in the past have relied on certain pillars of stability, be they religious, political or […]
Teaching kids to be kind to their minds
Just because you’re young, doesn’t mean you don’t have worries, emotional health practitioner Jo Morton-Brown tells children. Using a collection of teddies to represent worries, Jo explains how talking about worries can help children manage them. She tells children how to be kind to their minds, and open themselves up to new ideas […]
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